Medium coarse graphite - Graphite material 


Medium-coarse graphite refers to the carbon content of graphite > 99% ink material products.
Suitable for powder metallurgy, electronics industry, machinery, molds, negative electrode materials,
Sewage treatment of non-ferrous metals, chemical industry, new energy, photovoltaic and other industries.


Characteristics of graphite:
1) High temperature resistance: The melting point of graphite is 3850±50°C, and the boiling point is 4250°C. Even if it is burned by an ultra-high temperature arc, the weight loss is very small, and the thermal expansion coefficient is also small. The strength of graphite increases with the increase of temperature, and at 2000°C, the strength of graphite doubles.
2) Electrical and thermal conductivity: The electrical conductivity of graphite is one hundred times higher than that of ordinary non-metallic minerals. Thermal conductivity exceeds that of metal materials such as steel, iron, and lead. Thermal conductivity decreases with increasing temperature, and even at extremely high temperatures, graphite acts as a thermal insulator. Graphite can conduct electricity because each carbon atom in graphite forms only 3 covalent bonds with other carbon atoms, and each carbon atom still retains 1 free electron to transport charges.
3) Lubricity: The lubricating performance of graphite depends on the size of graphite flakes. The larger the flakes, the smaller the friction coefficient and the better the lubricating performance.
4) Chemical stability: Graphite has good chemical stability at room temperature, and is resistant to acid, alkali and organic solvents.
5) Plasticity: Graphite has good toughness and can be rolled into very thin sheets.


1. Electrical and thermal conductivity
2. High temperature resistance
3. Lubricity
4. Chemical stability
5. Plasticity